

September 28th, 2024

Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development: Policy and Practice on Food and Agriculture, Creative Economy Industry, Education, Technology, and Law Society


September 28th, 2024

Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development: Policy and Practice on Food and Agriculture, Creative Economy Industry, Education, Technology, and Law Society

Universitas Slamet Riyadi proudly presents the 2024 6th ICTESS as the consecutive series of conferences organized and hosted annually by Universitas Slamet Riyadi, Indonesia. The 6th ICTESS will be held in the conference room by Hybrid, on September 28th, 2024.


  • Biomaterials
  • Food Science
  • Smart Agrotechnology
  • Smart Agriculture
  • Health issues and technology
  • Technology policies for mitigation
  • Green economy and marketing
  • Green Behavior
  • Digital transformation
  • Smart infrastructure
  • Education: Digital pedagogy, blended learning, virtual learning
  • Digital humanities
  • Environmental policy and technological change

Sub Theme:

  1. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): theory and practices
  2. Implementation of Green Economy and green marketing in SDGs
  3. Sustainable smart agriculture and agrotechnology
  4. Embracing sustainable digital transformation globally
  5. Implementation of smart city, green city, and sustainable city to support SDGs


Prof. Law Chung Lim

University of Nottingham Malaysia

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Novizar Nazir

Andalas University Indonesia

Invited Speaker

Nhelbourne K Mohammad, Ph.D

Western Philipines University

Invited Speaker

Prof. Manoj K S Chhangani

Department of College Education, Government of Rajasthan, India

Invited Speaker


Conference time line

  • Full paper acceptance (early bird: Augt 15th, 2024)

  • Full paper regular (September 15th, 2024)

  • Conference date: September 28th, 2024


About 6th ICTESS

The 6th ICTESS was organized by Universitas Slamet Riyadi in Surakarta, Middle Java, Indonesia. The conference committee consists of multi-department and involves global networks in multidisciplinary studies. The 6th ICTESS will present multidisciplinary research and findings related to digital transformation for sustainable development programs. In achieving the indicators of SDGs, digital transformation was the important thing to do. Digital transformation is defined as using digital technologies to transform various aspects of society including the economy, education, government, public service, health, and environment. By using digitalization in many aspects, problems can be solved more efficiently and innovatively, empowering people. However, digitalization poses challenges and risks for the SDGs, such as the digital divide, cybercrime, privacy, and ethics. Therefore, it is important to ensure that digitalization is inclusive, responsible, and human-centered and that it follows the principles of sustainability, human rights, and international cooperation. The conference will be a great opportunity for exchanging ideas and knowledge in all aspects for academicians, scientists, practitioners, and global executives. The event will facilitate a focus group discussion and consultation for stakeholders, to address the current issues and challenges in the future.


To share practical solutions, best practices, and lessons learned to achieve the SDGs by 2030. The conference also provides a platform for networking, collaboration, and partnership among various stakeholders, such as academia, government, civil society, private agencies and sectors. The conference also aims to inspire action and innovation in sustainable development through digitalization.

This conference will take place on September 28, 2024. Conference participants can choose to be listeners or presenters. Presenters can choose to publish their articles in Knowledge E international proceedings (indexed by Web of Science) or in national journals indexed by sinta 2.

For further information, please contact us at ictessunisri2024@gmail.com


  • 1. Please make payment in Rupiah (Rp) currency to our account number 01812506585 at BNI (Bank Nasional Indonesia) in the name of Fakultas Teknologi dan Industri Pangan   
  • 2. For articles that will be published in KnE with authors from at least two countries, will get a 30% discount                                                          


If you are going to present an article, you should first read the information about registering and submitting.


R. Seminar Gedung H Lt. 5 UNIVERSITAS SLAMET RIYADI Jl. Sumpah Pemuda No.18, Kadipiro, Kec. Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57136 ictessunisri2024@gmail.com

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Bima mantap

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Flier ICTESS 6th

Flier ICTESS 6th